Friday, September 4, 2009

two anecdotes

Living in the Philippines as child, my mom grew up with very little. She was the second oldest within her three other siblings, two female and the youngest one male. They would sleep where they could and moved around a lot because my grandparents were always working. So, they were living in an abandoned church this one time and it was quite a creepy church. It was very old, very creaky, and very dark at night. You could feel a chill in your bones sleeping in that church, even in the warm Philippine nights. My mother and her siblings were sleeping there one night and they could swear that they all heard very old and heavy chains in the distance. They were all sleeping on the floor by the door, and she took it upon herself to get up and move from the end farthest from the door and move to the spot closest to the door to shield her siblings from these night terrors. She did this every night that they slept there.

It was very hot summer day in the Philippines and my mother and her siblings had been working all day so that they could buy groceries and have something to eat for that night. So after they had finished grocery shopping they saw an ice cream vendor, but they only had enough money for three ice cream cones to split between the four of them. So, she volunteered herself as the one to not get a cone just so that her siblings could have the well deserved treat they needed.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Controlling Impression

My mother, is by far one of the greatest influences in my life. She is strong and willing to sacrifice more than you know. She is the type of person who not get herself anything to treat her, but will buy my brother and I any toy if she has the money for it. Since money has always been tight she works all the time any spends all her earnings on rent, utilities, and stuff for me and my brother. She rarely gets herself anything. She is kind and generous with goals set only to help others before herself.